Ressources for antiracism. In English and German.
mangoes & bullets was created in 2015, funded by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL on behalf of the BMZ, with funds from the State Office for Development Cooperation of the State of Berlin and with funds from the Church Development Service through Bread for the World – Evangelical Development Service. Other supporters in 2019 were the GLS Treuhand, Haleakala Foundation and the Bildungswerk Berlin of the Heinrich Böll Foundation on topics related to degrowth and carework. In 2022, development policy funds from ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL on behalf of the BMZ, from funds from the State Office for Development Cooperation of the State of Berlin, were used for development-related contributions.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julien Le Hoangan (12 avril 2024). Mango & Bullets. Rhizomes. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse